
Let's Write Our Own Module in Node.js

Video Notes

We started learning Node.js together in a recent video. We’ll continue through the Node.js workshop in this video.

📝 In this part, we’ll work through exercises 5 and 6 of the Learn You Node workshop together. Exercise 5 is to list the directory contents filtered for an extension. Exercise 6 lets us try creating and using a Node module. This is an essential part of being a Node developer!

📚 As you work through the exercises, you’ll want to reference the Node.js documentation.

👋 Thank you for watching and for working through the exercises with me! I’m going to keep this series going and work through the remaining exercises in coming weeks. If you have questions, please comment on the video over on YouTube or mention me on Twitter.

Don’t fall into the trap of working through tutorial after tutorial and never getting anything done. Make sure you apply these skills toward your ultimate goal of becoming a web developer.