
Rules Are Meant to Be Broken

Last month, I enrolled in the Thinkful Front-End Web Development course. Our second project was to duplicate the design of 37signals as best we could after studying up on the fundamentals of HTML and CSS. I went into this perhaps a bit too enthusiastic about a new CSS concept I had recently learned: the pseudo element.

My first real problem came when I got to the image rule with the three little stars. (Sometimes, I suck at words.) Take a look:

I wanted to use an hr since that seemed to be the most semantically correct element for the job. Dropping an image in there would have been trivial, but I wanted a challenge. I decided the best way to style this was to hide the rule and create a pseudo-element after it with the image as a background. Surprisingly, it worked.

All was well until I found I would need more traditional rules for the grid at the bottom of the page.

At this point, my hr CSS selector was no longer specific enough to meet my needs. I would need to devise a better selector for the job. All the rules except those in the grid were direct children of div.centered. My new selector was .centered > hr.

I still don’t quite understand what happened next, but this broke my pseudo-element. I’ve since learned that hr doesn’t produce any content so it doesn’t make an :after element. Why it ever worked to style the hr with :after, I don’t know.

All this trouble left me wishing I had an easy way to discover which elements supported pseudo-elements… so I built it. It’s certainly not pretty, but it works. The aptly-named ”Which elements support :after?” (repo) project was born.

The implementation is pretty simple. I have an HTML5 page with most of the elements included. I then have a stylesheet that applies :after pseudo-elements to every element.

:after { content: attr(data-element) ' supports the :after pseudo-element.'; color: green; text-decoration: none; display: block; }

I also used jQuery to take the tag name of each element and add it to an attribute (which is then used in the content of the :after element) to make it easier to see just by looking at the page which elements have support.

$(document).ready(function () { $('').each(function () { $(this).attr('data-element', $(this).prop('tagName')); }); });

And with nothing more than that, you have a somewhat ugly list of elements supporting pseudo-elements.